A nostalgic trip back to St. Gallen for Carla who is talking to Scotty Williams, church planter from Louisiana US. What does it take to start a church community from scratch? What are the challenges and joys of integrating in Switzerland? What can established churches learn from Black-American religion when they are no longer the main show in town? And of course, Scotty reveals his favourite places in Switzerland.
Interview in English from 3:55 minutes.
Ein Nostalgietrip für Carla, die mit Kirchengründer Scotty Williams aus Louisiana spricht. Was braucht es, um eine neue Kirche zu gründen? Was sind die Herausforderungen und Freuden, sich in der Schweiz zu integrieren? Was können etablierte Kirchen von schwarz-amerikanischen Kirchen lernen, wenn sie ihre Vormachtstellung in der Gesellschaft verlieren? Und natürlich verrät uns Scotty seine Lieblingsorte in der Schweiz.
Website: www.allsouls.ch
Book recommendations:
Dale P. Andrews, Practical Theology for Black Churches. Bridging Black Theology and African American Religion.
Esau McCaulley, Reading While Black. African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope.
Charles Johnson, Patricia Smith, et al., Africans in America. America’s Journey through Slavery.